We are all have the reflection of krshna beauty, radiant and blissful, in us, and if we can find the whole Krshna in us there is nothing more in this whole existence to find. We know krshna is functioning through us. When we open our eyes, it is Krshna opening his eyes. When we close our eyes, it is krshna who is closing his eyes. There is no activity that we can do it on our own or there is no activity that krshna shall allow us to on our own. Neither we go away from krshna nor krshna leave away from us. We have to understand this truth. We are not the doer; it is all krshna who does through us. We don’t have to do anything; whatever we are doing is being done by Krshna. We are walking, it is Krshna walking, we are sleeping, it is krshna resting; we are speaking, it is krshna speaking; you are silent, it is krshna who is silent. We have to understand this and simply relax and throw away the responsibilities, krshna cannot fail, dissolve the mind, throw away it created worries and miseries. May be , initially mind may not accept this truth, use simple meditation technique, watch the breathing, be a witness and Relax. Our success and failures are of Krishna’s. If we are successful, then the krshna in us is successful and with krshna we cannot fail as the whole responsibility is on Krishna. Hence let us Live the life like krshna - alive, radiant, blissful, a song unto oneself. Our whole life becomes a prayer without any words, or better to say a prayerfulness, a grace, a beauty like of krshna which does not belong to this world.
When ambition is in mind, competition is in blood & everyone in deep down is antagonistic against everybody else, friendship is a pretention & really an alien word. When life is made a race and we have been subconsciously suppressing the feeling of friendliness how can we expect the flowering of friendship in us We can only pretend friendship with people who are our potential enemies, with competitors there can never ever happen friendship. However Godliness and krshna can be revealed only through friendship and in the state of friendliness. And then friendship and the state of friendliness never exist together with ambition and competition. Unless the ambition and competition is dropped we cannot have the state of friendliness and the shower of love and friendship among us and the decadence of the ultimate flowering of krsna, the compassion and godliness. Let us have krsna, the embodiment of friendship by dropping the competition and Saying yes to friendship. Happy friendship day.
Jai Gurudev... Happy Friendship to u too... :) Hare Krsna... Jai Gurudev.. :)
What a delightful commentary! HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAM HARE RAM RAM RAM HARE HARE!! Lot's of love from Pennsylvania to you TILAK!
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